Frabjous Times

scifaiku poetry hay(na)ku


the chitin
of the Lastborn

behind teeth…
so many teeth

surely you jest — forked tongues are cliché

candy corn smile
spun sugar bosoms —
second mom
“We'll be brief: Hemingway once wrote a story in just six words (‘For sale: baby shoes, never worn.’) and is said to have called it his best work. So we asked sci-fi, fantasy, and horror writers from the realms of books, TV, movies, and games to take a shot themselves.”
Last modified: Sat Nov 4 16:26:26 EST 2006
Added teeth verse. Added tongues verse. Added mom verse.
Previously published: Tue Oct 31 08:26:04 2006
Previously published: Sat Oct 28 18:18:12 2006
Previously published: Fri Oct 27 13:36:20 2006